How to invest
The story is what matters
Choose a company that appeals to you, offers perspective terms and is the right stock for you to invest in.
Go for the new issues
Buy shares of the selected company during their initial public offering (IPO).
Trade with existing shares
Buy and sell securities of companies traded on the PX Start market during its trading hours.
How to invest
Select a trader
Choose a trader who will enter your request into the system.
To buy and sell shares on the PX Start market, you need to have an investment account with one of the stock exchange members, who will carry out your order.
Create an investment account
Open an investment account with the selected trader (if you do not already have one).
Setting up an investment account is as easy as opening a bank account. All you need is a proof of identity and, if necessary, filling in an investment questionnaire.
New issues
You can purchase shares during the 14-day subscription period.
Once you have an investment account, you can buy shares of new issuers through your trader during their IPO period. You can find information about companies offering IPOs on this website.
Trading with existing shares
You can buy or sell shares of companies traded on the PX Start market.
Once you have an investment account, you can, at your discretion, buy or sell shares of companies in the PX Start market, every day during trading hours. Some stock exchange members offer an online investment platform or accept an instruction over the phone.
Traders with an online platform

Fio banka, a.s.
V Celnici 1028/10, Praha 1
tel:+420 224 346 493Martin Varecha
tel:+420 224 346 225
opPORTUnity WOOD & Company FS, a.s.
nám. Republiky 1079 110 00 Praha 1
Radim Krejčí
tel:+420 222 096 666alternatively, contact your preferred trader
STOCK EXCHANGE MEMBERSHave you got any questions?
Are you investing for the first time, or do you just need advice? Contact us; we will be happy to help you.

Pavla Fischerová
I am ready to answer your questions.
A prospectus must be prepared for all issues admitted to the PX Start market and it must be approved by the regulator, the Czech National Bank. The content of the prospectus is governed by the EU legislation. It must contain a full description of the issuer and all the risk factors that affect its business. The prospectus and any disclosures are published on the website of the issuer and in its profile on this website.
The presentation of the company during START Days is a crucial part of the communication between the issuer and investors. It is an opportunity to acquaint investors with the business results in the last period. Investors can ask the company’s representatives questions, as is common, for example, at general meetings. All information is uploaded, archived, and available online on the stock exchange website. The START Day is held twice a year on pre-scheduled dates.
An analytical report is another regular source of information. When entering the market, each issuer must provide an analytical report, which is then updated annually by an independent analyst. As there is no prescribed basis the analytical reports can be very different. Their content is at the discretion of the chosen analyst. Some issuers may have analytical reports by more than one analyst.
The annual report must be published on time as required by the law, and any information relevant to the stock price must be disclosed during the year. The issuer is obliged to publish all this information in the investor section on its website.
The best opportunity to meet representatives of company management is during the START Day. This is an event where management representatives acquaint investors with the company results of the last business period. Investors can ask the company’s representatives questions, as is common, for example, at shareholders’ meetings. Everything is uploaded, archived, and available online on the stock exchange website. The START Day is held twice a year on pre-scheduled dates.
Shares can only be purchased and sold in the PX Start market through a stockbroker that is a stock exchange member. The investor must sign an agreement with this trader and follow its instructions.
Yes, trading fees are applicable and should be consulted with the stockbroker who will arrange the trades for you. The fee policy is certainly one of the criteria that should be taken into account when choosing a trader.